DAR Constitution Hall
One of the nation's acclaimed stand-up comedians known for his raw honesty, Andrew Schulz, is taking his extensive "The Life Tour" for a run at DAR Constitution Hall on January 19. Known for his hilarious stints and his massive Netflix special "Infamous", he's caught the attention of a world hungry for laughs and honest takes on relevant topics covering politics, current events, and anything that oozes life's beautiful chaos. The Life Tour is bound to take audiences on an astounding journey, exploring Schulz's complex mind. You're definitely in for a fair share of laughs and deep reflections on the world's ins and outs. Exploring humanity in its full-on glory, it ain't all about laughter and games at a Schulz show. Get ready to even shed a tear! Taking his brand of no-filter comedy to the stage, get ready to live at Andrew Schulz's The Life Tour by booking your tickets now.
DAR Constitution Hall
DAR Constitution Hall
Set to take his audiences for a wild ride into his complex mind, Andrew Schulz proudly presents his newest "The Life Tour", taking his honestly-raw comedic explorations to the stage. Every realm of thought shares the man's own brand of honest and real comedy - covering topics across politics, current events, and relevant introspection on life's beautiful chaos. The trek proudly teases nights of laughs, provoking thoughts, and sending a couple of you to tears. It's all happening at The Life Tour.
Straight from NYC's busy streets, the man has flown across the world, taking his unfiltered thoughts to the live stage. He's definitely the real deal. With record-breaking sold-out nights and hundreds if thousands in attendance for his previous trek, the man is surely one of the world's comics to watch out for. Albeit his controversial moments, Schulz is keeping it real.
Recently, the man shook headlines for buying back his newest special "Infamous" from a streaming platform that wanted to censor bits and pieces of his work. He then self-released the said special and actually tripled his money back.
"Some of you probably know this about me, I’m a very stubborn guy, so long story short, I took my f—ing life savings and I bought my special back," he said. He sure is a real guy. Nobody and no corporation is getting in his way of producing real and unfiltered comedy antics. "I think people like real authentic comedy, and I think that they would prefer that than some watered down corporate boardroom bullshit," he added.
Though acknowledging some jokes that could be "too offensive" or could cause "too much backlash", he shares that his followers "seem to really enjoy these jokes," Well, he's always there to produce quality content for his audience. It's his real deal. Though he's had his fair share of controversy and backlash, the man remains grounded and steadfast in keeping his own brand of some of the REALest comedy out there.
Marking new adventures exploring his complex mind amidst life's chaos, make sure to save your spots at The Life Tour, live at DAR Constitution Hall by booking your tickets now!
DAR Constitution Hall, Washington, District Of Columbia, , US